Hello! My name is Norbert!

I can find anyone's email address

Facebook, AirBNB, Google Ventures, Intel, Twitter, Oracle, Snapchat

Norbert, at your service!

Here’s what I can help you with:


Fill up your pipeline with qualified leads and get personal with decision-makers.

Business Development

Build lists and contact persons of interest to build resourceful relationships.


Hunt down talent and reach out with the right message, at the right time.


Find the right reporters and create buzz around last new product or feature.

Content Marketing

Reach out to blogs, build links, contact authors and spread your content.

...You name it!

Email is the best channel to build long-lasting relationships with just about anyone important to your business.


Happy Customers


Emails Found

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out someone’s email address?

There are many ways how to find someone's email address online... You could check their about page, dig through their social media accounts, or even make a blind guess.

But since these manual methods are slow and unpredictable, you can instead use a dedicated Email Finder Tool like Voila Norbert.

With Norbert, all you need is your prospect's name and the company URL they're working for. Norbert will then fetch you a valid email address in a breeze.

How does Voila Norbert find email addresses?

Voila Norbert uses a combination of highly effective methods to always find the freshest and best email to contact someone. On top of that, we also keep a contact database that we update regularly.

But although having a database improves search speed, most of the time we run new searches to always keep our emails fresh and up-to-date.

Whatever the case, Norbert always runs the found email address through an email verification process to validate its accuracy. Each email is then equipped with a "certainty score" that tells you how sure Norbert is that he found the right email address for you.

How to find email addresses with the Email Finder?

To find an email address with Voila Norbert Email Finder, you need two things:

  • The full name of your prospect
  • The domain name (website URL) which your prospect's company uses to send emails from.

Enter this information into Norbert Email Finder and Norbert will spit back a valid email address in less than a second.

Note: If Norbert can't find an email address, double-check that you have the right domain. Some companies use different domain names for their websites and their emails.

How accurate are the emails that you find?

Voila Norbert has up to a 98% success rate. That's because before we return any emails we make sure to verify them with rigorous multi-step email verification methods.

Unfortunately, some mailing servers prevent us from making all the checks — when that happens, Norbert will let you know by marking the email with an orange dot and a certainty score. This doesn't mean the email address isn't valid, it's just that we couldn't properly validate that address of your prospect because of their mailing server.

But you have nothing to worry about. If any of the email addresses we find for you turn out to be incorrect, you can contact our support team here and we'll refund your credits for the bounced emails.

How is the Norbert Email Finder different from other email search tools?

Among the top three email finders on the market—the other two being Hunter and Snovio—Voila Norbert stands out by its accuracy and ease of use.

According to this research done by Ahrefs, Voila Norbert is 1.3 times more accurate than Hunter and 3.3 times more accurate than Snovio.

And according to this G2 Crowds comparison, Voila Norbert is the easiest tool to use among the top email finder.

So if you want an email finder that's accurate and easy to use, Voila Norbert is your tool.

On top of that Norbert is built for efficiency and scale, so it can work with your team no matter how big or small. And if you're using other tools, you can integrate them with Norbert either directly or indirectly through Zapier.

What integrations are available for Voila Norbert?

Voila Norbert Email Finder Tool integrates with Google Chrome, Zapier, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Mailshake, Drip, ReplyApp, Hubspot, and Close.com. The email verification tool integrates with Mailchimp, SendGrid, Jotform, and Formstack.

Do you have an API?

Yes, we have an API with full documentation. You can quickly get started with a free API key. Our API works with Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby.

Do you have a browser extension?

Yes, we do. You can download it here.

With the chrome extension, you can find the email addresses of your prospects right while browsing through their websites.

On top of that, with the latest update, you can also use Voila Norbert Chrome Extension with LinkedIn search functionality. Click here to read more about it.

Can Norbert find someone's email address from LinkedIn?

Yes, all you have to do is download our chrome extension. Then, the next time you log into your LinkedIn account, you'll see a button with Voila Norbert logo in the top right corner. This means the extension was successfully installed.

Now click on anyone's LinkedIn profile and you'll see an orange "Find Email" button next to their bio. This button also appears next to people's profiles every time you use LinkedIn Search and Sales Navigator.

If you're interested to learn more, feel free to read a more detailed description in our article here.

Is Voila Norbert a free email finder?

Voila Norbert Email Finder is free to use for the first 50 email leads.

After that, our pricing starts at 1000 monthly credits at $49 per month, all the way up to 50,000 leads for $499 per month.

For more information, check our pricing page.

Note: One credit is one correct email address. If Norbert can't find a correct email address, you don't get charged a credit.

How much does Voila Norbert cost?

Voila Norbert Email Finder has four pricing tiers:

Valet — 1,000 monthly leads at $49 ($39 with annual subscription)
Butler — 5,000 monthly leads at $99 ($79 with annual subscription)
Advisor — 15,000 monthly leads at $249 ($199 with annual subscription)
Counselor — 50,000 monthly leads at $499 ($399 with annual subscription)

With the annual subscription, you also get credit rollover, so your credits will never expire.

On the other hand, Voila Norbert Email Verification services start at $0.003 per email and decrease to $0.001 per email for large lists.

Finally, Voila Norbert Enrichment services start at $0.04 per email and decrease to $0.015 per email for large lists.

Will I get charged for duplicates?

No, never.

Once you search for a contact and Voila Norbert retrieves the email address, it gets stored in your list of prospects. So next time you search for the same prospect, Norbert will simply retrieve the email address that he once found already.

Do you also offer email verification services?

We have an email verification tool as well.

It’s a pay-as-you-go service, so there are no hidden costs. Only $.003 per email up to 500,000 emails, and $.001 per email above that. Minimum $2.

What do you mean by enriching emails?

In addition to our prospecting tool and verification tool, we also have an enrichment tool.

If you want more data on a contact beyond just the email address, Voila Norbert can find the current job title, company, location, and social profiles of the people behind the emails on your list.

Only $.04/email up to 2k, $.02/email up to 50k, and $.015/email above that, with a $4 minimum.

What should I do if I experience technical issues?

You can email us anytime at me@voilanorbert.com and you will be in touch with a human in no more than 24 hours.

Find Leads

Find corporate emails of decision-makers at scale to build more and better relations.


Verify Emails

Validate emails in real-time to reach real people and keep your sender score safe.


Enrich contacts

Enrich contacts to target prospects with the right message, in the right place, at the right time.

Get personal

Prospecting on Steroids

Get personal with anyone, at scale.


An accurate and up-to-date database of B2B contacts right at your fingertips.


Context leads to better conversion


Bulk actions, native integrations and a killer API.

Get 50 leads for free!

Up to 98% Deliverability

Send emails that reach real people.

Smart technology to verify every email. Your email reputation stays safe while your open rates and revenue increases.

Verify your list
Sequences scale

Email Sequences

Scale & automate your email outreach with Norbert

Automate your email follow-ups with Norbert’s Sequences. Combines powerful features like AI email writing, inbox rotation, A/B testing, email personalization to help you send highly effective campaigns. Ensure your account doesn't get blacklisted with our email warmup feature. It’s free for up to 2500 monthly emails and 1000 active leads, so try it now.

Try for free

Chrome Extension

Take Norbert with you when you hunt for leads

Find contact information right where you need it. Norbert’s Chrome extension sources contacts of companies right as you prospect online.

Add To Chrome
Chrome Extension
Find prospects

Prospect Finder

Find Prospects by Title, Company, and Location

Prospect Finder simplifies the process of filtering prospects. Search for individuals by their specific role, location, or company. Alternatively combine all three filters for a more targeted search.

Try for free

Powerful Integrations

Norbert works with what you already work with.

Sync leads from Norbert across your tool stack through native integrations and Zapier.

Try for free
Built for Scale

Built for Scale

Use Norbert’s API for real-time email superpowers.

Automate email verification and enrichment in your websites and applications.

Works with PHP, Python, Ruby and .Net

View Docs
We’ve been using VoilaNorbert for a while now at Salesflare and I’m impressed with both the usability of the product and quality of the leads. If you want to easily find and verify email addresses or get your data enriched, this is the right tool.
Jeroen Corthout
Jeroen Corthout
Co-Founder & CEO of Salesflare
This is a must-have tool for anyone that's looking to do email outreach and campaigns that involve personalization, customization or segmentation. Big fan!
Jim Hiffman
Jim Huffman
Co-Founder & CEO of GrowthHit
The best thing about Norbert is how accurate it is. Return rates are well above what I was used to from other tools and the emails don’t bounce either. I imagine this is due to the fact that they also have a strong email verification engine running in the back which is also available as a separate service.
Jelle van de Vliet
Jelle Van De Vliet
Growth Hacker at The Growth Revolution
I use the Norbert Chrome Extension for finding email addresses when doing link building. Being able to do it all within Chrome without leaving the site is super helpful. It's one of the quickest and one of the most accurate at uncovering email addresses.
Vincent Nero
Vincent Nero
Content Marketer at Siege Media
Accuracy and precision: I trust Norbert 100%. I have been doing cold mail outreaching for my company's in-house products for a while now. Norbert always helps me out when I'm blocked and eases my work effectively than any other apps I have ever used.
Aksa Victoria
Aksa Victoria
Growth Hacker & Content Marketer at Sygul Technologies
Voila Norbert is great for getting the email addresses you need. It’s also easy to use: you just type in the name, last name, domain and get the email address in return. We’re using it for lead generation, retrieving contact information of marketing leaders, as well as advertising decision makers.
Lara Zakarian
Lara Zakarian
Sales & Partnerships Manager at SitePoint and SnapMunk
With Enrich, Norbert has become the default go-to solution for email outreach. I absolutely love the pay-as-you-go pricing model.
Bill Stathopoulos
Bill Stathopoulos
Growth Strategist at GrowthRocks
I already was a VoilaNorbert user, but the addition of Enrich just made the product so much better. This is a huge time saver for those that are doing outbound prospecting.
Benji Hyam
Benji Hyam
Co-Founder of Grow&Convert
Fantastic product. Easy to use, providing instant value. Great for retention, learning more about our customers as well as helping out with conversion from trial to paid users.
Michal Sadowski
Michal Sadowski
Co-Founder & CEO of Brand24
It's super valuable to have this information for nurturing and to figure out who downloads our content.
Patrick Whatman
Patrick Whatman
Content Marketer at Mention

Everything you need to boost the ROI of your next email campaign.

Start building more and better relationships

The first 50 leads are on us.

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