We’re proud to announce Voila Norbert as a Google workspace app, currently supported by Google Sheets.
This means that you can now use Norbert directly in Sheets while building your email lists and streamline your process even further.
Download the extension here.
When working in Google Sheets, open Voila Norbert in the Add-ons drop-down menu:
Add-ons -> Voila Norbert -> Open
A sidebar will open where you can define columns with prospects’ names and their company’s domain addresses.
Next, provide the columns with the relevant information and click Lookup Emails.
(Keep in mind that VoilaNorbert is more accurate with company domains rather than company names.)
The add-on will then find the email address in new columns. Each address comes equipped with a confidence score as well.
If you have any questions regarding the new app and integration, send us an email at: me@voilanorbert.com